Public Posts at Dr. Christopher Eric Berger MD

This is interesting.... Terran Imbalanced Interpersonal Relations is addressed to Doctor Christopher Eric Berger of San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health. Once you take in this address, which has spoken voice narrative interface directed to the public listening audience, [ ] you can choose a different voice option at the top of the page ], listen to this page as it relates imbalanced relationships embedded in the sbcounty system of health care and health outcomes.
We are all blind, in one respect or another. Those for whom this statement rings true are those who have enjoyed some success in a struggle against perceptual impairment which few undertake.
James M Driskill Theme: The Erosion of Trust Leads to Violence, Murder, and Mass Shootings. This is an Youtube Long-Form Playlist Video Presenation of the Gruwup : Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace : Complete Worldwide Peace Peace building, Truth Affirming, and Trust Binding Network. All Well that Ends Well, Have you all learned a lesson here?
James M Driskill Being Myself Should Be Good Enough But It Ain't - All I receive is Hate. [ ]
James M Driskill #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP : That is a search key on the media on the web google search, facebook, and twitter. This is an absolute condition of resolve.
James M Driskill Mini Law School : Convention For The Rights For Persons With Disabilities : Article 12 Notes The Building Of Trust, Affirming Autonomy, and building better relationships. That is what materials I offer the world --- a better paradigm than the old model that erodes trust. With that erosion of #SocialTrust leads to violence, murder, and mass shootings. The old paradigm constant in social services nationally is a cumulative collective affect that is harming our society. We must proceed to ratify the document of the UN CRPD that President Barack Obama signed.
James M Driskill 😭 QR Scan Code In This Image [ It is a Long One, But Very Much Real and Valid ] 😭:

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