Gmailjames d <>

New voicemail from (602) 481-0989 at 12:10 PM
2 messages

Google Voice <>Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 12:11 PM
Voicemail from: (602) 481-0989 at 12:10 PM
Hey Dad, it's, Rob, had a great time. There's a lot of fun just calling to to make sure that we can get together this afternoon be great talk to you later. Bye.
Play message

EveryLastCumDrop UGot <>Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 12:28 PM
To: Derrick Lewis <>


This voice mail was received on my phone from Rob --- addresed to you Derrick.

The translation is not perfect --- but you should be able to use the link and
listen to the voicemail from him yourself.

Just "thoughfully" passing the voicemail message on to you, --- AS EASY AS PIE IS,

These are the technology tools that I USE --- even if all of you insults of party fever doers don't!

Be Gruw Up dude.

Read your email I directed to you titled:

     LISTENED : why did you ask me about your bracelet?

and get back to me REAL.

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